Mansfield Crane Service
Always Ready
Serving Pennsylvania, Upstate New York, & The Northeast Appalachian Basin
Cranes Up To 500-Ton
Crane & Rigging Services

Mansfield Crane is committed to serving an established core of loyal customers located in Pennsylvania & Upstate New York that intersect with the Infrastructure, Commercial, and Industrial sectors.
To best serve our clients and ensure projects are completed in an efficient manner we have continuously adapted our services integrating the latest technologies and innovations necessary to get the job done.

Services For Energy Industry

At Mansfield Crane we are uniquely positioned to serve natural gas, energy, and power generation companies located in the Appalachian Basin.
Collectively we possess over 25+ years of expertise providing reliable crane and rigging services to support customers in the energy industry.
Services For Telecom Industry

Locations requirements to install Telecom equipment can be difficult to reach without the proper equipment.
At Mansfield Crane we not only have the proper equipment we have the knowledge to get your products where you need them.
What Sets Us Apart

From start to finish we treat every project with the respect and attention it deserves. We stand by innovation through the integration of mettle and iron. The seamless integration between man and machine is what enables Mansfield Crane to predominate the crane industry in Pennsylvania and the Upstate New York region. Learn more about our services below.
Capabilities to do specialized lifting for long-term maintenance
24/7 Crews on hand at a moment’s notice
Safe, well-maintained yards for storage, with varying levels of security
We are 100% self-mobilizing

Crane Work
Crane Work
We have invested in crane equipment to meet the needs of our coverage areas by strategically choosing crane models suited for all lifting projects
Our professional, experienced crane operators overcome gravity’s pull and create movement in a controlled manner to complete your rigging projects cost effectively and safely
Contract Lifting
Contract Lifting
Specialized contracts with MCS ensures the provision of the right crane for your project, personnel assigned to your lift, and engineered plans to ensure continued safety for the lifting and environment
Crane Work
We offer professional transport services with an extensive fleet of trucks and trailers independent of a third party to haul or counter weights
We provide the necessary planning and oversight to reach a destination. Our team works together, each one taking their role ensuring a safe delivery to your destination
We offer well-maintained yards for storage, with varying levels of security and insurance upon request. We have a system in place to manage your inventory and track all items while placed in our care